I Love to Perform
Experience the world-renowned Shenandoah Conservatory. 跟随音乐、戏剧、舞蹈和艺术管理方面的大师老师学习. 与艺术家同行联合起来,加入一个校友家庭,从百老汇到欧洲音乐厅的中心舞台.
I’m Not Sure What To Major In
大学是一个探索你的选择,在你尝试新事物时找到你的激情的地方. Take your time and experiment at SU; then when you do decide on a major you’ll make an informed choice that’s right for you.
First-Year Seminar: Going Global
澳门网上赌博平台对全球好奇心和理解的关注从你进入校园的那一刻就开始了. Each fall, incoming freshmen participate in Going Global: First-Year Seminar, 让他们参与关于全球话题的互动学习和讨论.
There are over 20 different courses to choose from. This class gets students out of their comfort zone, 因为不同的人有不同的观点,从不同的角度讨论话题.
Pre-Health Program
学前健康计划旨在帮助指导学生发展成为有竞争力的申请人,以符合他们期望的职业和他们的学术和学前专业概况的研究生院. 澳门网上赌博平台的学前健康咨询包括在小组或个人环境中进行的面对面咨询会议,旨在为有兴趣在卫生专业领域从事职业的学生提供指导.
Early Assurance Pathway
早期保证(EA)途径适用于符合严格的高中GPA和考试成绩要求的一年级申请者, and is highly competitive.
Athletic Training 3 + 2
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy 3 + 2.5
Occupational Therapy Doctorate 3 + 3
Pharmacy 3 + 4 & 2 + 4
Physical Therapy 3 + 3
Physician Assistant Studies 4 + 2.5
Public Health 3 + 2
不符合早期保证途径考虑条件的学生,欢迎申请 Articulation Agreement Pathway or the Traditional Pathway to the graduate health professions.
Accelerated Degree Options
MBA 4 + 1
我们的4 + 1选项允许工商管理专业的学生获得工商管理硕士学位,只需要额外一年的学习.
Learn More about the MBA 4 + 1
PALM 4 + 1
音乐、戏剧和舞蹈专业的学生可以获得表演艺术领导科学硕士学位 & Management with one additional year of study.
Learn More about the PALM 4 + 1
Divinity 3 + 3
Learn More about the Divinity 3 + 3
Public Health 3 + 2
Study & Travel Abroad
澳门网上赌博平台的国际项目提供全球体验和出国留学的机会,鼓励学生, 教职员工参与更大的社区,在全球范围内发挥作用.
Global Citizenship Project (GCP)
Each spring break, Shenandoah sends 50 selected students, faculty, 和员工去国际目的地,以帮助拓宽他们的视野.
Global Experiential Learning (GEL)
参加短期的,由教师主导的海外学习项目,以获得学分! GEL旅行在春假、暑假或寒假期间持续几周.
Study Abroad
Make studying abroad the highlight of your college experience! Whether you go for a year, a semester, or just a few weeks, you will never forget learning in another culture!
我最难忘的经历之一是在2022年秋天,当我和一群学生去威尼斯旅行, Italy. We performed as a choir at the Venice Biennale Festival. I was able to see so many beautiful places and try so many new things."
Clint Curfman | Vocal Performance, ‘24
Learn With Apple®
澳门网上赌博平台创新的iMLearning项目将最先进的计算技术直接交到学生手中,以加强学习,使学生毕业时成为自信和有能力的技术使用者. You’ll start with an Apple in your backpack. 所有学生都将获得一台Macbook Pro Retina和一台iPad以及一支苹果铅笔. It’s all part of our iMLearning program.
Academic Calendars
查看课程的时间表和其他调度信息为本年度以及学术, admissions, and tuition deadlines.
Academic Catalogs
See academic program and course information, descriptions of degree programs, degree information, academic policies, and other helpful information.
Office of the Registrar
教务处负责维护学生的学业记录, course registration, and enforcing academic policies.
As students at Shenandoah, 我们很幸运有教授和其他教职员工真诚地关心我们在个人和学术层面的成功和成长.”"
Jeremy Kwolek | Exercise Science, ’24
我对苏大的心理学系赞不绝口. 教授们对课堂上的每一个学生都非常用心,我可以诚实地说,这里的心理学系有一些最敬业的教授, passionate, supportive professors that I've ever encountered. Not only have I always felt supported by the faculty, 但我觉得自己已经做好了毕业后直接进入职场的准备.”
Heather Jones | Psychology & Music Education, ‘22
It All Leads Here | Shenandoah Commencement
州立大学的教育项目帮助我获得了实践澳门网上赌博平台和必要的适当工具,以最好地满足我的学生在所有学校环境中的需求. 教育学教授们热情好客,随时准备提供帮助, which aided me throughout my academic career. 他们帮助我增强了我的技能和信心,这在我找工作的过程中是一个加分项. 我为所有的面试做好了准备,并在家乡找到了我梦寐以求的工作!”
Katherine Hernandez Ramos | Elementary Education, ‘23
Career & Professional Development
See where Shenandoah alumni journeys have led, read their success stories, and see how we will help you shape your own career path. Career & 专业发展与学生在职业发展过程的各个方面合作, from choosing a major to making career changes.