我们的本科运动科学学位, 你已经准备好从事健康事业了, 健身和/或竞技运动项目.
Our degree also prepares you for professional certification by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the American College of Sports Medicine. 如果你想从事物理治疗的职业, 职业治疗, 或者运动训练, 澳门网上赌博平台的运动科学本科学位课程为未来的研究奠定了良好的基础.
My favorite thing about my major is gaining the knowledge to help people take a step toward their goals. Progress over perfection is a motto I have created to remind myself and others that a step in the right direction is extremely rewarding. 我的专业使我能够实践这一座右铭,帮助人们回归健康的生活状态.”
在我们的节目中, you’ll gain a strong scientific and practical understanding of the acute and chronic effects of physical activity and exercise on the human body. 你将学会评估, 设计和实施个人和团体练习, 为广泛的人群提供身体健康和/或运动表演项目.
My exercise science major required that every student participate in 120 hours of supervised internship. 在整个社区和其他地方都有联系, the program makes sure that students have the experience necessary to prepare them for their future careers. 感谢谢南多厄, I was able to intern in professional women’s soccer with the Washington Spirit and practically apply both my exercise science and psychology background in sport!
Patrick Maneval ’23 | Bachelor of Science in 心理学/Bachelor of Science in 运动科学 (训练, 生物学, 及生理学(未成年人)
您还将学习评估健康和性能状态, 进行体能和体能评估, write exercise/training prescriptions and motivate individuals to establish healthy lifestyle behaviors or pursue peak performance. Our specific focus on the assessment process gives you the knowledge and skills you’ll need to confidently address the health needs of individuals across a variety of situations.
我喜欢教授们给课堂带来的气氛. 班级规模很小,你可以在个人层面上了解每个人,包括教授.”
Taylor Swann ' 25 |运动科学
澳门线上赌博平台大学 文学院 & 科学 你和经典有直接联系吗, 基础广泛的教育,满足你的求知欲和职业目标. 小班授课,提供个性化学习机会, 我们把学生放在所有决策和活动的中心.
We blend the liberal arts with pre-professional courses and hands-on learning to prepare you for careers in the natural sciences, 社会科学和人文科学. 你会从小事中学习, engaging classes and relationships with faculty mentors; hone your skills to solve problems; and learn to use creativity and critical thinking to make informed decisions.
作为雪兰多学生,我最喜欢的是学校给我的使命感. 无论你是运动员, 音乐学院学生, 勤工助学, 等, the school finds a way to get everyone involved to make Shenandoah and the Winchester community a better place.”
皮尔斯机械舞 | 21届运动科学|物理治疗博士学生|棒球
该项目提供实习和见习机会, 并且让你可以灵活地决定你想在哪里进行你的实地体验. Many of our students have developed relationships with local physical therapy and athletic training facilities; however, 你甚至可以选择在休息时间到家乡的诊所实习.
的职业 & 专业发展人员帮助雪兰多学生搜索和申请 实习 与他们的专业和职业目标相关. 实习 在你未来找工作的过程中,让自己与众不同, 提供你所在领域的实践澳门网上赌博平台, 让你根据自己的专业选择不同的职业道路, 并帮助你在毕业前找到一份适合你的工作.
- 健身经理:39000美元
- 健康健身专家:28,249美元
- 健康主管:4.5万美元
- 修复学家:52381美元
- 俱乐部总经理:62,500美元
- 私人教练:27,500美元
职业生涯 & 专业发展 provides a comprehensive range of 服务s and resources to assist Shenandoah students in their career search. 提供的服务包括制作简历和求职信, 模拟面试, 以及专业的用餐礼仪工作坊.
你将在小班学习, 与澳门网上赌博平台丰富的教师一起工作,他们致力于您的发展和成功. 课堂之外, 你将有很多机会获得与证书相关的实践澳门网上赌博平台, 在你感兴趣的领域练习专业人士.
- 每学期与指导老师见两次面
- 每节课都去. 如果你缺席,请联系你的指导老师.
- 熟悉学生支持服务,如辅导、写作中心等.
- 积极参与至少一项课外活动.
秋季学期 | 学分 | 春季学期 | 学分 |
领域1 -书面(例如:eng101) | 3 | 领域1 -口语(Ex: SOC 210) | 3 |
领域7 - (Ex: FYS 101) | 3 | 领域2 -(例如:ART 200) | 3 |
生物121和实验室(领域4) | 4 | 从任何领域额外的一般教育 | 3-4 |
KIN 106、110或113 | 1 | EXSC 130简介 | 3 |
外语(FL)如果需要 | 3 | 外语(FL)如果需要 | 3 |
额外课程(如有需要) | 3 | ||
总计 | 14-17 | 12-16 |
- 开始研究你可能感兴趣的职业和领域, 看看这些领域研究生课程的先决条件.
秋季学期 | 学分 | 春季学期 | 学分 |
领域5 - (Ex: PHIL 130) | 3 | BIO 232和Lab | 4 |
数学101或数学102或(领域3) | 3 | EXSC 250研究方法 | 3 |
BIO 231和Lab or (Domain 4) | 4 | EXSC 340实习 | 1 |
exsc270运动机能学 | 3 | 数学102如果需要(领域3)或EXSC选修或辅修FL | 3 |
外语(FL)如果需要 | 3 | EXSC选修或辅修课程或FL | 3 |
总计 | 13-16 | 14 |
- 参加出国留学, 领导机会, 服务学习, 公民参与, 研究项目, 等.
- Develop your job or graduate school strategy; begin taking any necessary pre-requisite courses.
- 如果尚未修过,请申报副修或第二主修.
秋季学期 | 学分 | 春季学期 | 学分 |
EXSC 352营养 | 3 | EXSC 384运动生理学实验室 | 4 |
exsc381生物力学 | 3 | 选修或辅修课程 | 3 |
*EXSC选修课或辅修课程 | 3 | 选修或辅修课程 | 3 |
**EXSC选修课或辅修课程 | 3 | 选修或辅修课程 | 3 |
选修或辅修课程 | 3 | 选修或辅修课程 | 3 |
总计 | 15 | 16 |
- 实施你在大三时制定的工作或研究生战略.
- 在注册办公室完成你的毕业申请.
秋季学期 | 学分 | 春季学期 | 学分 |
exsc387力量和调节与实验室 | 4 | exsc450健康行为 | 3 |
exsc410测试和处方 | 3 | 体验式学习 | 3 |
选修或辅修课程 | 3 | 选修或辅修课程 | 3 |
选修或辅修课程 | 3 | 选修或辅修课程 | 3 |
选修或辅修课程 | 3 | ||
总计 | 13 | 15 |
总计 = 110-121 credits; 51 EXSC
学习支持服务提供给所有学生在每门课程谢南多厄. Free peer tutoring with a student who has previously succeeded in the course is available for any course across the university. 的 Writing Center is available for every stage of the writing process from thesis development to proofreading and bibliography assistance. 数学浓缩中心提供数学和科学援助. Professors and Academic Advisors across the university also have office hours and open door policies to ensure Shenandoah students succeed academically.
荣誉课程是一个多学科的荣誉课程,适合有好奇心的学生, 有创意的, 自我激励, 并且渴望参与他们的教育和社区.
荣誉课程的学生不仅参加强调合作的荣誉课程, 服务, 和沟通, but they will also have the opportunity to develop aspects of the program based on their own interests and goals. 通过参加荣誉课程,你将获得这些工具, knowledge and experiences necessary to make meaningful contributions to your community – whether it be globally, 在本地, 或者具体到你一生的工作. 你将有机会学习独特的课程, exciting experiences and a community of peers and faculty who never stop asking questions and striving for excellence.
我喜欢了解苏大荣誉项目的学生. 的ir experiences are fascinating and I enjoy hearing about how they chose their specific major at 澳门线上赌博平台大学. 的re are a variety of different majors within the SU 荣誉项目 and I think it is amazing that we have the opportunity to work together to pursue a greater education in our fields of study. I find encouragement in knowing that we have a common dedication to learning and are willing to push ourselves toward future success.”
Sarah Katherine Brenner, 26岁,运动科学学士,辅修生理学 & 跳舞
Imagine participating in interesting conversations led by engaging professors who’ve already done what you dream of doing.
You’ll be in smaller classes – the average class size is around 20 students — with professors who know your name, 关心你的成功,并在你追求学业和职业目标时提供建议.
满足 巴里·帕克, Ph.D.系主任 & 运动科学助理教授
让出国留学成为你大学生活的亮点! 不管你是去一年,一个学期,还是几个星期. 你永远不会忘记在另一种文化中的学习! 的 国际项目中心在这里帮助你计划你的留学经历. Start your planning early to ensure the courses you complete abroad count toward your degree and you graduate on time.
全球体验式学习(GEL)项目为谢南多学生提供短期的学习机会, faculty-led, 有海外留学经历,获得学分. 这些短期, credit-bearing, 教师主导的项目提供寒假, 春假, 在夏天. 如果一门课程不是你的专业,它可以作为选修课.
澳门网上赌博平台是国际学生交流计划(ISEP)的成员。, 由300所大学组成的全球网络. 这种合作关系允许学生在国外的其他成员学校学习一个完整的学期或一年. 通过与他们的学术顾问和留学顾问密切合作, 学生可以在获得谢南多学分的同时,在国外学习英语授课.
澳门网上赌博平台还与世界各地的几所大学保持着直接的合作关系. 的se relationships allow students from SU to study abroad as exchange students and students from these universities to study at SU. 所有合作大学都提供英语授课课程.