成为预防方面的专家, 认识到, 管理和康复身体活动造成的伤害. 擅长预防, 康复, 以及管理因参加澳门线上赌博平台和体育活动而造成的伤害, 运动教练是运动医疗队不可或缺的一员. 运动教练与医生合作工作, 父母, 教练, 并且管理人员要维护运动员和体力活动者的安全和健康.
成为SUAT大家庭的一员,体验我们的信誉, 严格, 优秀的节目成果和增值节目!
- 弗吉尼亚州第一个专业的MSAT项目
- 全国首个DPT/MSAT双学位项目
- 在线课程,使学生完全沉浸在临床澳门网上赌博平台
Allowing for immediate translation of what is being learned in the virtual classroom into practice - 虚拟现实和高保真急救情景模拟
确保学生有处理紧急情况的第一手澳门网上赌博平台 - 完成一个学术顶点项目
培养学生有能力消费和传播循证研究 - 研讨会
教授们不遗余力地追求卓越. 他们鼓励你,同时保持很高的标准. This balance of accountability and inspiration creates a positive environment which allows for curiosity, 纪律, 以及我们工作的最高质量. Those involved in our education make this program special and worthy of all praise and recognition.
Joshua Dalton ' 23 |运动训练理学硕士
The Master of Science In 体育训练 program has been uniquely designed to offer clinical field experiences in the fall and spring semesters under the direct supervision of certified athletic trainers in a variety of settings, 包括澳门网上赌博平台, 其他附属院校, 附属高中, 附属专业运动训练室设置及附属运动医学诊所. 作为研究生项目, the Division of 体育训练 is committed to incorporating clinical research as part of the professional educational experience. 学生提出, 执行, 作为课程的最终项目,为一项科学研究辩护并提出.
- Unique clinical experiences in high schools to professional sports and spanning country from coast to coast
- 全球体验式学习机会, including collaborative programming in Ireland with Dublin City University and an inter-professional opportunity to become a Wilderness First Responder
- 通过IASTM一级认证
- 功能运动屏幕(FMS)认证
- Orthopedic Physician Extender (OPE-C) training in casting and bracing with certification opportunity
- 其他证书课程包括表演艺术、医学和人口健康
>95% First Time Board Exam (BOC) pass rates last 5 years
- 中学体育
- 大学澳门线上赌博平台
- 职业体育
- 表演艺术医学(休斯顿芭蕾舞团)
- 工业复兴(特斯拉)
- 运动表现(EXOS)
- 医师设置(INOVA运动医学)
- 公共安全和军事设置
- 高等教育/教学
莫莉·麦克沃伊,19岁,20岁 获得运动训练理学硕士学位和表演艺术医学证书, is employed at Harkness Center in New York City as an athletic trainer with the 跳舞 剧院 of Harlem. 哈克尼斯是美国首屈一指的舞蹈医疗机构之一. “The Performing Arts Medicine (PAM) certificate program has put me on the best track ever and set me up for true success in this field. 没有支持, tough love and amazing teaching of the SU 运动训练理学硕士 and PAM programs, 我就无法实现我的梦想了.”
12年,14年 continued her education in 体育训练 at Shenandoah after graduating with her bachelors degree. 她获得了硕士学位,这使她的事业取得了成功. 莱恩是谢泼德大学的首席运动教练. 莱恩与工作人员一起为运动员提供现场护理, 处理预防方案, 以及术后康复. 莱恩感谢谢南多厄社区为她的成功,并告诉未来的学生, “如果你有一个想法或激情, reach out to someone on campus that specializes in that area and enlist their advice or mentorship.”
埃里克·罗兹,13岁 dream became a reality when he accepted an assistant strength and conditioning coach position at the University of Maryland. “The SU baseball program helped me develop leadership skills and a great work ethic that pushed me every single day to be the best person that I could be.”
Stephen Gober, 98年 is the head athletic trainer for the Louisville Bats, a Triple-A affiliate for the Cincinnati Reds. 他还曾在华盛顿国民队担任助理体育教练三年. 澳门网上赌博平台的教师和导师在戈伯需要的时候给他提供帮助,这对他很有帮助. “好好利用你在那里的所有经历,这一切最终都是值得的.”
Upon completion of the classroom and clinical requirements of the 运动训练理学硕士 Program a student will:
Understand and implement the prevention of injuries to athletes and physically active individuals of all ages and abilities.
Demonstrate competency in the various methods and well-care practices which can be used to help bring about a reduction in illnesses to athletes and the physically active.
Assess and administer acute care for injuries and illnesses to athletes and the physically active, and differentiate between cases that require referral to emergency services or other healthcare providers.
将知识与临床精神运动技能相结合 解决问题 通过骨科检查和临床诊断.
在申请中展示自己的能力, progression and modification of therapeutic intervention while managing injuries to athletes and the physically active.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the athletic trainer with the biopsychosocial aspects of sports injury and illness, 以及申请转介的程序.
Understand the role of the athletic trainer regarding healthcare administration in secondary school, 大学, 以及基于临床的设置.
评价和综合现有的研究证据, 为运动训练领域的循证实践做出贡献.
Develop a sense of professionalism and incorporate the NATA Code of Ethics into clinical practice.
Recognize the value of interprofessional communication and practice as a member of a healthcare team.
Engage in community and professional service opportunities that contribute to the necessities of a local or global society.
课程 | Title | 学分 |
一年级 | ||
AT 501 | 运动员的风险管理和紧急护理 | 3 |
AT 511 | 预防及防护措施 | 1 |
AT 521 | 人体功能解剖学I | 3 |
AT 523 | 治疗性运动I | 1 |
AT 531 | 下季度的检查、评估和诊断 | 3 |
AT 552 | 治疗模式 | 3 |
秋季一年级 | ||
AT 505 | 运动训练中的循证实践 | 1 |
AT 571 | 运动营养 | 3 |
AT 581 | 临床领域澳门网上赌博平台 | 4 |
AT 621 | 人体功能解剖学II | 3 |
第一学年 | ||
AT 504 | 运动训练中的心理干预/转介 | 3 |
AT 533 | 临床医学 | 3 |
AT 534 | 脑损伤的神经认知评估与治疗 | 1 |
AT 653 | 运动训练中的道德/专业精神 | 2 |
AT 582 | 临床实习澳门网上赌博平台二 | 4 |
暑期二年级 | ||
AT 610 | 运动训练及领导力研讨会 | 1 |
AT 624 | 治疗性运动II | 2 |
AT 631 | 上四分之一的检查、评估和诊断 | 2 |
AT 643 | 高级运动损伤康复 | 3 |
AT 651 | 急诊护理中的临床决策 | 1 |
AT 667 | 顶点项目开发 | 1 |
AT 698 | 骨科损伤的影像学、铸型和支具 | 3 |
秋季二年级 | ||
AT 614 | 运动训练中的药理学 | 2 |
AT 668 | 顶点项目开发II | 1 |
AT 670 | 医疗保健管理局 | 2 |
AT 681 | 临床实习澳门网上赌博平台三 | 4 |
AT 774 | 高级研讨会 | 1 |
第二年 | ||
AT 711 | 调节运动员的理论与实践 | 2 |
AT 682 | 临床现场澳门网上赌博平台IV | 4 |
AT 767 | 运动训练的顶点 | 1 |
选择下列其中一项: | ||
AT 799 | 独立学习 | 2 |
AT 720 | 医疗专业人员WFR | 2 |
HP 550 | 凝胶 | 2 |
我们有成就和关怀的教师在课堂之外担任导师. 作为一个团队, 他们让你成为一名富有同情心的运动教练, 批判性思考者和道德领袖. You’ll benefit from small class sizes that enable faculty members to provide individualized attention and nurture your academic and professional development.
苏大的运动训练教员来自不同的背景,包括研究, 表演艺术, 传统环境. 这为学生提供了一个机会来调整他们的经历,以满足他们的职业目标. 就我而言, these connections and support have provided me opportunities to present research at professional conferences, 为同行评审的出版物撰写稿件, 并与该领域的其他专业人士建立联系. Their willingness to support students is further exemplified by providing me an opportunity to pilot the first dual-degree MS 体育训练 and 公共卫生硕士 program in the country!
凯德·沃茨(Cade Watts), 23岁,运动训练理学硕士/公共卫生硕士
课程 | 学分 |
普通生物学及实验室 | 4 |
普通化学带实验室 | 4 |
人体解剖学与实验室* | 4 |
人体生理学与实验室* | 4 |
必修一门带实验的物理课程. 推荐两个学期的课程 | 4-8 |
统计数据 | 3 |
社会和行为科学 | 3 |
心理学 | 3 |
选一门:生物力学、运动机能学、运动生理学、物理II | 4 |
总计 | 32-37 |
*当解剖学和生理学作为一门综合课程时, 要达到这个要求需要两个学期.